Our mission at RealHunters is to help save other hunters time and effort trying to find the best gear and pass along tips to the hunting community. RealHunters means that we are real people who love to hunt, and we give our honest unbiased opinions in the form of real reviews.
Hi, my name is Keith Ross. I am a very detail-oriented person with a high standard of quality. I am known by my friends as the hunter who is always prepared with the latest and greatest gear for myself and any fellow hunters in need. I started RealHunters because I regularly found myself excitingly sharing gear recommendations with my friends when I finally found “the right” piece. I spend a lot of time researching and testing different kinds of gear to find the best of the best and would like to be able to share my gear opinions with the broader hunting community.
I have initially recruited some of the best hunters I know and have hunted with from around the country. Our reviewers have various skill levels and specialties, but they all have one thing in common, they are real people who love to hunt and want quality gear that will equip them to be as successful as possible.
We are actively looking for additional reviewers and both opportunities to get free gear for reviews and have a pay per review compensation structure. If you are interested in applying to be a reviewer please click here to become a reviewer.