Become a Reviewer

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How it Works

RealHunters reviews the best gear from top brands in the industry to help save other hunters time and effort to find the best gear and pass along tips to the hunting community.

Are you an experienced hunter with a high standard of quality who loves the best gear? If so, we would love to talk with you about becoming one of our reviewers.

I have initially recruited some of the best hunters I know and have hunted with from around the country. Our reviewers have various skill levels and specialties, but they all have one thing in common: they are real people who love to hunt and want quality gear that will equip them to be as successful as possible.

We are actively looking for additional reviewers. Both opportunities to get free gear for reviews and have a pay-per-review compensation structure exist in exchange for honest, unbiased reviews to be published on

Please complete a sample review, reviewer bio, and a reviewer application, and we will get back to you with the next steps. If you have any questions, you can email

Sample Review

A sample review is required as part of your application for consideration of becoming a RealHunters reviewer. We want to want to maintain a brand of only having high-quality reviews by real hunters.

Please provide a review of a piece of hunting gear with which you are experienced. All sample and future reviews must be your own original unique and original work. You may not submit reviews you have written for other websites or companies, and you may not use copied, plagiarized, or copyrighted material from other websites.

Choose a product that you have experience using and can ideally be purchased at an online retailer, then download a copy of our review template and complete it with the following requirements.

Sample Review Requirements

  • Maintain a “friendly expert tone.” Talk about your personal experience using the product. Include stories where the product performed well and where it could have done better.
  • 800 to 2500 words. You generally want to have a higher-priced item be more thorough and have lots of pictures but don’t make them too long.
  • Take a few minutes and research product reviews for a product you are interested in and think about what engaged you in the article:
    • Was it to the point?
    • Was it organized well?
    • Did you skip past a lot of the writing because it was a wall of text?
  • Quality is the most important thing to keep in mind. The RealHunters brand is focused on quality reviews of quality products by real hunters.
  • Be sure to include keywords related to the product.
  • DO NOT plagiarize material from other websites.
    • We have a plagiarism analysis tool that will be run against any submitted reviews to help avoid any copyright issues.

Photo Requirements and Recommendations

  • Quality images are the most important thing. You do not have to be an expert photographer or have a high-end camera.
  • You may use a cell phone camera, ensure you have good lighting, and try to take most of your pictures in horizontal/landscape format.
  • Take pictures of the product being used in the field. Photograph any special features, components, or things you are explicitly highlighting in the review.
  • Trail camera reviews should include daytime and nighttime sample photos/videos.
  • Include a minimum of 3 photos with your review.
  • You will generally want to include more photos for more expensive items.
  • Feel free to include as many photos as you would like, and we will choose the best for the article.

Reviewer Bio

Download a copy of our reviewer bio template here and complete/upload it along with your sample review when you submit your application.

Please keep your bio to a maximum of 2 paragraphs with no more than a few sentences per paragraph. Be concise in describing your background.

Submitting Your Reviewer Application

Click the link below to submit your application, including your sample review and reviewer bio. Once submitted, if your review is selected to be on our site, you will be eligible to receive products or other compensation for future reviews.

We also may offer feedback for improvements to the review so you can resubmit or make updates to the formatting/grammar before posting.

We only accept high-quality, completely original, unbiased reviews from real hunters. That said, we know not everyone is a professional review writer, so we are happy to help clean up any grammar or make other recommendations if you follow the guidelines provided above.

We look forward to working with you, and please click the submit your reviewer application button below when your sample review and reviewer bio are ready to be sent to us.

Submit Your Reviewer Application

